RPGVX Ace 스크립트
2016.01.10 09:03

Custom Icon Sheets (커스텀 아이콘 적용 스크립트)

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크게 작게 위로 아래로 댓글로 가기 인쇄
원문출처 :

직접 만든 아이콘을 사용할 수 있게 해주는 스크립트 입니다.
아래 파란색 처리된 부분에서 사용할 아이템을 지정합니다.
그리고 주석에 를 쓰면 사용가능하죠.

Title: Custom Icon Sheets
Author: Hime
Date: Jun 1, 2016
** Change log
Jun 1, 2015
- added patch for yanfly's ace item menu
May 27, 2015
- fixed bug with yanfly's shop options
Jun 13, 2013
- icon width and height is now specified for each sheet individually
Mar 31, 2013
- now correctly draws icons of non-default sizes
Mar 25, 2013
- Initial release
** Terms of Use
* Free to use in non-commercial projects
* Contact me for commercial use
* No real support. The script is provided as-is
* Will do bug fixes, but no compatibility patches
* Features may be requested but no guarantees, especially if it is non-trivial
* Credits to Hime Works in your project
* Preserve this header
** Description

This script allows you to designate which icon sheet you want to draw your
icon from. This allows you to organize your icons so that you don't need
to load one large iconset just to draw one icon.
** Installation

Place this script below Materials and above Main

** Usage

-- Installation --

Place this script below Materials and above Main.

-- Setting up custom icon sheets --

Place any custom icon sheets in your Graphics/System folder.
In the configuration below, add the filenames (without extensions) to the
`Icon_Sheets` array. You must also include the default icon sheet to use,
which is "Iconset"

-- Using custom icon indices --

Now that you have set up your icon sheets, you can begin using them.
In your database, note-tag objects with

`name` is the exact filename of the icon index, without extensions
`index` is the index of the icon in the specified file.

** Compatibility

This script overwrites the following methods:


$imported = {} if $imported.nil?
$imported["TH_CustomIconSheets"] = true
# ** Configuration
module TH
module Custom_Icon_Sheets

# List of icon sheets to load. Case-insensitive.
# All icon sheets must be placed in the System folder
# You must provide the dimensions of the icons as well

Icon_Sheets = {
"Iconset" => [24, 24],
"Weapons_1" => [24, 24],
#"CustomIcons" => [24, 24],
#"LargeIcons" => [65, 65]

# The default sheet to use if none is specified
Default_Sheet = "Iconset"

# Note-tag format.
Regex = //i

# ** Rest of script

# Each sheet starts at a specific icon index.
def self.icon_offsets
# Load all icon sheets. This script uses a look-up table to map icon
# indices to specific icon sheets.
def self.load_sheets
@icon_offsets = {}
@icon_table = []
icon_count = 0
Icon_Sheets.each {|sheet, (width, height)|
sheet = sheet.downcase
bmp = Cache.system(sheet)

# update the "icon index offset" for the current icon sheet.
# This is used by the look-up table to determine how the icon index
# is offset
@icon_offsets[sheet] = icon_count
@icon_table.push([sheet, icon_count, width, height])

# number of icons per sheet is given by the number of icons per row
# times the number of icons per height, including empty spaces.
icon_count += (bmp.width / width) * (bmp.height / height)

# store the icon table in reverse order

def self.load_icon_sheet(index)
@icon_table.each {|sheet, offset, width, height|
if index >= offset
index -= offset
return Cache.system(sheet), index, width, height

module RPG
class BaseItem
def icon_sheet
return @icon_sheet unless @icon_sheet.nil?
return @icon_sheet

def load_notetag_custom_icon_sheet
res = self.note.match(TH::Custom_Icon_Sheets::Regex)
if res
@icon_sheet = res[1].downcase
@custom_icon_index = res[2].to_i
@icon_sheet = TH::Custom_Icon_Sheets::Default_Sheet.downcase
@custom_icon_index = @icon_index

alias :th_custom_icon_sheets_icon_index :icon_index
def icon_index
parse_custom_icon_index unless @custom_icon_index_checked

# Automatically updates the icon index based on the appropriate icon sheet
# to use.
def parse_custom_icon_index
# offset the index as necessary, using the icon sheet to look up the offset
self.icon_index = TH::Custom_Icon_Sheets.icon_offsets[self.icon_sheet] + @custom_icon_index
@custom_icon_index_checked = true

module DataManager

class << self
alias :th_custom_icon_sheets_load_database :load_database

# Prepare the custom icon database
def self.load_database

class Window_Base < Window

# Overwrite. Get the appropriate bitmap to draw from.
def draw_icon(icon_index, x, y, enabled = true)
bitmap, icon_index, icon_width, icon_height = TH::Custom_Icon_Sheets.load_icon_sheet(icon_index)
rect = Rect.new(icon_index % 16 * icon_width, icon_index / 16 * icon_height, icon_width, icon_height)
contents.blt(x, y, bitmap, rect, enabled ? 255 : translucent_alpha)

# Compatibility patches. This script must be placed under the other scripts
class CSCA_Window_EncyclopediaInfo < Window_Base
def csca_draw_icon(item)
if item.csca_custom_picture == ""
bitmap, icon_index, icon_width, icon_height = TH::Custom_Icon_Sheets.load_icon_sheet(icon_index)
rect = Rect.new(icon_index % 16 * icon_width, icon_index / 16 * icon_height, icon_width, icon_height)
target = Rect.new(0,0,72,72)
contents.stretch_blt(target, bitmap, rect)
bitmap = Bitmap.new("Graphics/Pictures/"+item.csca_custom_picture+".png")
target = Rect.new(0,0,72,72)
contents.stretch_blt(target, bitmap, bitmap.rect, 255)
end if $imported["CSCA-Encyclopedia"]

# Compatibility with Yanfly Ace Shop Options: drawing custom icon in shop
class Window_ShopData < Window_Base
def draw_item_image
colour = Color.new(0, 0, 0, translucent_alpha/2)
rect = Rect.new(1, 1, 94, 94)
contents.fill_rect(rect, colour)
if @item.image.nil?

bitmap, icon_index, icon_width, icon_height = TH::Custom_Icon_Sheets.load_icon_sheet(@item.icon_index)
rect = Rect.new(icon_index % 16 * icon_width, icon_index / 16 * icon_height, icon_width, icon_height)
target = Rect.new(0, 0, 96, 96)
contents.stretch_blt(target, bitmap, rect)
bitmap = Cache.picture(@item.image)
contents.blt(0, 0, bitmap, bitmap.rect, 255)
end if $imported["YEA-ShopOptions"]

# Compatibility with Yanfly Ace Item Menu: drawing custom icon in item menu
class Window_ItemStatus < Window_Base
def draw_item_image
colour = Color.new(0, 0, 0, translucent_alpha/2)
rect = Rect.new(1, 1, 94, 94)
contents.fill_rect(rect, colour)
if @item.image.nil?

bitmap, icon_index, icon_width, icon_height = TH::Custom_Icon_Sheets.load_icon_sheet(@item.icon_index)
rect = Rect.new(icon_index % 16 * icon_width, icon_index / 16 * icon_height, icon_width, icon_height)
target = Rect.new(0, 0, 96, 96)
contents.stretch_blt(target, bitmap, rect)
bitmap = Cache.picture(@item.image)
contents.blt(0, 0, bitmap, bitmap.rect, 255)
end if $imported["YEA-ItemMenu"]


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