RPG XP 에서 실시간 전투 스크립트 알려주세요.

by 『연금술사』 posted Feb 21, 2006


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>실시간 전투 스크립트를 알려주세요.

다음을 넣으시면 됩니다. 하지만 가끔 행동에 제한이 걸릴때도 있으니.....

그리고 스크립트가 길다 보니, 디버깅하시거나 추가요소를 넣으실때 힘드실

# 깏귺깑?귽?갋귺긏긡귻긳긫긣깑(RTAB) Ver 1.11
# 봹븓뙰갋긖??긣URL
# http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/cogwheel/

class Scene_Battle
  # 걶 뚺둎귽깛긚?깛긚빾릶
  attr_reader   :status_window            # 긚긡??긚긂귻깛긤긂
  attr_reader   :spriteset                # 긫긣깑긚긵깋귽긣
  attr_reader   :scroll_time              # 긚긏깏?깛댷벍딈?렄듩
  attr_reader   :zoom_rate                # 밎긫긣깋?딈?댧뭫
  attr_reader   :drive                    # 긇긽깋뗭벍
  attr_accessor :force                    # 귺긏긘깈깛떗맕뱗
  attr_accessor :camera                   # 뙸띪궻긇긽깋룋렃롌
  # 걶 ATB딈멳긜긞긣귺긞긵
  def atb_setup
    # ATB룊딖돸
    # speed   : 긫긣깑긚긯?긤뙂믦갃뭠궕룷궠궋귌궵몓궋
    # @active : 귺긏긡귻긳뱗먠믦
    #           3 : 륂궸귺긏긡귻긳륉뫴
    #           2 : 긚긌깑갋귺귽긡?멗묖뭷궻귒귺긏긡귻긳긒?긙궕?귏귡
    #           1 : 2궻륉뫴궸돿궑갂??긒긞긣멗묖렄귖긂긃귽긣궕?궔귡
    #           0 : 1궻륉뫴궸돿궑갂긓?깛긤볺쀍렄궸귖긂긃귽긣궕?궔귡
    # @action : 뫜릐궕뛱벍뭷궸렔빁귖뛱벍귩딳궞궥궞궴귩떀궥궔
    #           3 : 렔빁궕뛱벍븉?궳궶궋뙽귟뙽귟떀궥
    #           2 : 렔빁궕?긽?긙귩롷궚궲궋궶궋뙽귟떀궥
    #           1 : 2궻륉뫴궸돿궑갂??긒긞긣궕뛱벍궢궲궋궶궋뙽귟떀궥
    #           0 : 뛱벍귩떀궠궶궋갃룈붥궸뛱벍궢뢎궑귡귏궳뫲궰
    # @anime_wait : true궸궥귡궴긫긣깑귺긦긽갋?긽?긙?렑뭷궼긂긃귽긣궕?궔귡
    # @damage_wait : ?긽?긙?렑뫲궭렄듩걁뭁댧궼긲깒??걂
    # @after_wait : 뼞뺴갋밎멣뽅렄갂렅궻룉뿚궸댷귡귏궳궻뫲궭렄듩
    #               [a, b] a 궼뼞뺴멣뽅렄갂b 궼밎멣뽅렄걁뭁댧궼긲깒??걂
    # @enemy_speed : 밎궻럙뛩뫊뱗갃1궶귞뫂렄뛱벍갃
    #                1긲깒??뻽궸갂1/@enemy_speed궻둴뿦궳뛱벍귩딳궞궥
    # @force : 떗맕귺긏긘깈깛궳긚긌깑럊뾭렄궻떗맕뗰뜃
    #          2:긚긌깑궼멣궲뎣룯궧궦갂뷠궦뫂렄렳뛱
    #          1:뭁벲긚긌깑궼뎣룯궢갂쁀똤긚긌깑궻귒뫂렄렳뛱
    #          0:멣긚긌깑뎣룯귩뛱궎궬궚
    # ($scene.force = x 궴궥귡궞궴궸귝귟갂믅륂귽긹깛긣궻긚긏깏긵긣궔귞빾뛛됀?걂
    # @drive : 긇긽깋뗭벍ON/OFF갃true궳뗭벍ON갂false궳뗭벍OFF
    # @scroll_time : 긚긏깏?깛댷벍궸뾴궥귡딈?렄듩
    # @zoom_rate = [i, j] : 긄긨??궻긛??뿦
    #                       i 궕됪뽋띍뤵븫궸봹뭫궢궫렄궻둮묈뿦
    #                       j 궕됪뽋띍돷븫궸봹뭫궢궫렄궻둮묈뿦
    #                       1 ?궴궢궫궋궴궖귖갂1.0 궴뷠궦룷릶궳먠믦궥귡궞궴
    speed = 150
    @active = 1
    @action = 2
    @anime_wait = false
    @damage_wait = 10
    @after_wait = [80, 0]
    @enemy_speed = 40
    @force = 2
    @drive = true
    @scroll_time = 15
    @zoom_rate = [0.2, 1.0]
    @help_time = 40
    @escape == false
    @camera = nil
    @max = 0
    @turn_cnt = 0
    @help_wait = 0
    @action_battlers = []
    @synthe = []
    @spell_p = {}
    @spell_e = {}
    @command_a = false
    @command = []
    @party = false
    for battler in $game_party.actors + $game_troop.enemies
      battler.at = battler.agi * rand(speed / 2)
      battler.damage_pop = {}
      battler.damage = {}
      battler.damage_sp = {}
      battler.critical = {}
      battler.recover_hp = {}
      battler.recover_sp = {}
      battler.state_p = {}
      battler.state_m = {}
      battler.animation = []
      if battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
        @max += battler.agi
    @max *= speed
    @max /= $game_party.actors.size
    for battler in $game_party.actors + $game_troop.enemies
      battler.atp = 100 * battler.at / @max
  # 걶 AT긒?긙Max렄SE
  def fullat_se
    Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/033-switch02", 80, 100)
  # 걶 깒긹깑귺긞긵SE
  def levelup_se
    Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/056-Right02", 80, 100)
  # 걶 긚긌깑뢐벦SE
  def skill_se
    Audio.se_play("Audio/SE/056-Right02", 80, 150)

class Window_Base < Window
  # 걶 ATG 궻?됪
  #     actor : 귺긏??
  #     x     : ?됪먩 X 띆뷭
  #     y     : ?됪먩 Y 띆뷭
  #     width : ?됪먩궻븴
  def draw_actor_atg(actor, x, y, width = 144)
    if @at_gauge == nil
      # plus_x:X띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫 rate_x:X띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫(%) plus_y:Y띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫
      # plus_width:븴궻뺚맫 rate_width:븴궻뺚맫(%) height:뢢븴
      # align1:?됪?귽긵1 0:뜺땗귕 1:뭷돍뫓궑 2:덭땗귕
      # align2:?됪?귽긵2 0:뤵땗귕 1:뭷돍뫓궑 2:돷땗귕
      # align3:긒?긙?귽긵 0:뜺땗귕 1:덭땗귕
      @plus_x = 0
      @rate_x = 0
      @plus_y = 16
      @plus_width = 0
      @rate_width = 100
      @width = @plus_width + width * @rate_width / 100
      @height = 16
      @align1 = 0
      @align2 = 1
      @align3 = 0
      # 긐깋긢?긘깈깛먠믦 grade1:뗴긒?긙 grade2:렳긒?긙
      # (0:돘궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛 1:뢢궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛 2:롈귕궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛걂
      grade1 = 1
      grade2 = 0
      # 륡먠믦갃color1:띍둖쁤갅color2:뭷쁤
      # color3:뗴쁤??긏긇깋?갅color4:뗴쁤깋귽긣긇깋?
      color1 = Color.new(0, 0, 0)
      color2 = Color.new(255, 255, 192)
      color3 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192)
      color4 = Color.new(0, 0, 64, 192)
      # 긒?긙궻륡먠믦
      # 믅륂렄궻륡먠믦
      color5 = Color.new(0, 64, 80)
      color6 = Color.new(0, 128, 160)
      # 긒?긙궕MAX궻렄궻륡먠믦
      color7 = Color.new(80, 0, 0)
      color8 = Color.new(240, 0, 0)
      # 쁀똤긚긌깑럊뾭렄궻륡먠믦
      color9 = Color.new(80, 64, 32)
      color10 = Color.new(240, 192, 96)
      # 긚긌깑뎣룯렄궻륡먠믦
      color11 = Color.new(80, 0, 64)
      color12 = Color.new(240, 0, 192)
      # 긒?긙궻?됪
      gauge_rect_at(@width, @height, @align3, color1, color2,
                  color3, color4, color5, color6, color7, color8,
                  color9, color10, color11, color12, grade1, grade2)
    # 빾릶at궸?됪궥귡긒?긙궻븴귩묆볺
    if actor.rtp == 0
      at = (width + @plus_width) * actor.atp * @rate_width / 10000
      at = (width + @plus_width) * actor.rt * @rate_width / actor.rtp / 100
    if at > width
      at = width
    # 긒?긙궻뜺땗갋뭷돍?궑뱳궻뺚맫
    case @align1
    when 1
      x += (@rect_width - width) / 2
    when 2
      x += @rect_width - width
    case @align2
    when 1
      y -= @height / 2
    when 2
      y -= @height
    self.contents.blt(x + @plus_x + width * @rate_x / 100, y + @plus_y,
                      @at_gauge, Rect.new(0, 0, @width, @height))
    if @align3 == 0
      rect_x = 0
      x += @width - at - 1
      rect_x = @width - at - 1
    # 긒?긙궻륡먠믦
    if at == width
        # MAX렄궻긒?긙?됪
      self.contents.blt(x + @plus_x + @width * @rate_x / 100, y + @plus_y,
                        @at_gauge, Rect.new(rect_x, @height * 2, at, @height))
      if actor.rtp == 0
        # 믅륂렄궻긒?긙?됪
        self.contents.blt(x + @plus_x + @width * @rate_x / 100, y + @plus_y,
                          @at_gauge, Rect.new(rect_x, @height, at, @height))
        if actor.spell == true
          # 쁀똤긚긌깑럊뾭렄궻긒?긙?됪
          self.contents.blt(x + @plus_x + @width * @rate_x / 100, y + @plus_y,
                        @at_gauge, Rect.new(rect_x, @height * 3, at, @height))
          # 긚긌깑뎣룯렄궻긒?긙?됪
          self.contents.blt(x + @plus_x + @width * @rate_x / 100, y + @plus_y,
                        @at_gauge, Rect.new(rect_x, @height * 4, at, @height))

# 걾 Scene_Battle (빁뒆믦? 1)
# ?긫긣깑됪뽋궻룉뿚귩뛱궎긏깋긚궳궥갃

class Scene_Battle
  # 걶 긽귽깛룉뿚
  def main
    # 먰벉뾭궻둫롰덇렄긢??귩룊딖돸
    $game_temp.in_battle = true
    $game_temp.battle_turn = 0
    $game_temp.battle_abort = false
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
    $game_temp.battleback_name = $game_map.battleback_name
    $game_temp.forcing_battler = nil
    # 긫긣깑귽긹깛긣뾭귽깛?긵깏?귩룊딖돸
    $game_system.battle_interpreter.setup(nil, 0)
    # 긣깑?긵귩?뷈
    @troop_id = $game_temp.battle_troop_id
    # 귺긏??긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩띿맟
    s1 = $data_system.words.attack
    s2 = $data_system.words.skill
    s3 = $data_system.words.guard
    s4 = $data_system.words.item
    @actor_command_window = Window_Command.new(160, [s1, s2, s3, s4])
    @actor_command_window.y = 160
    @actor_command_window.back_opacity = 160
    @actor_command_window.active = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = false
    # 궩궻뫜궻긂귻깛긤긂귩띿맟
    @party_command_window = Window_PartyCommand.new
    @help_window = Window_Help.new
    @help_window.back_opacity = 160
    @help_window.visible = false
    @status_window = Window_BattleStatus.new
    @message_window = Window_Message.new
    # 긚긵깋귽긣긜긞긣귩띿맟
    @spriteset = Spriteset_Battle.new
    # 긂긃귽긣긇긂깛긣귩룊딖돸
    @wait_count = 0
    # 긣깋깛긙긘깈깛렳뛱
    if $data_system.battle_transition == ""
      Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # 긵깒긫긣깑긲긃?긛둎럑
    # 긽귽깛깑?긵
    loop do
      # 긒??됪뽋귩뛛륷
      # 볺쀍륃뺪귩뛛륷
      # 긲깒??뛛륷
      # 됪뽋궕먛귟뫶귦궯궫귞깑?긵귩뭷뭚
      if $scene != self
    # ?긞긵귩깏긲깒긞긘깄
    # 긣깋깛긙긘깈깛?뷈
    # 긂귻깛긤긂귩됶뺳
    if @skill_window != nil
    if @item_window != nil
    if @result_window != nil
    # 긚긵깋귽긣긜긞긣귩됶뺳
    # ?귽긣깑됪뽋궸먛귟뫶궑뭷궻뤾뜃
    if $scene.is_a?(Scene_Title)
      # 됪뽋귩긲긃?긤귺긂긣
    # 먰벉긡긚긣궔귞긒??긆?긫?됪뽋댥둖궸먛귟뫶궑뭷궻뤾뜃
    if $BTEST and not $scene.is_a?(Scene_Gameover)
      $scene = nil
  # 걶 룦봲뵽믦
  def judge
    # 멣뽅뵽믦궕?갂귏궫궼긬?긡귻릐릶궕 0 릐궻뤾뜃
    if $game_party.all_dead? or $game_party.actors.size == 0
      # 봲뻢됀?궻뤾뜃
      if $game_temp.battle_can_lose
        # 긫긣깑둎럑멟궻 BGM 궸뽣궥
        # 긫긣깑뢎뿹
        # true 귩뺅궥
        return true
      # 긒??긆?긫?긲깋긐귩긜긞긣
      $game_temp.gameover = true
      # true 귩뺅궥
      return true
    # 긄긨??궕 1 뫬궳귖뫔띪궥귢궽 false 귩뺅궥
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      if enemy.exist?
        return false
    # 귺긲??긫긣깑긲긃?긛둎럑 (룦뿕)
    # true 귩뺅궥
    return true
  # 걶 긲깒??뛛륷
  def update
    # 긫긣깑귽긹깛긣렳뛱뭷궻뤾뜃
    if $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
      if @command.size > 0
        @command_a = false
        @command = []
      # 귽깛?긵깏?귩뛛륷
      # 귺긏긘깈깛귩떗맕궠귢궲궋귡긫긣깋?궕뫔띪궢궶궋뤾뜃
      if $game_temp.forcing_battler == nil
        # 긫긣깑귽긹깛긣궻렳뛱궕뢎귦궯궫뤾뜃
        unless $game_system.battle_interpreter.running?
          # 긫긣깑귽긹깛긣궻긜긞긣귺긞긵귩띋렳뛱
    # 긘긚긡? (?귽??)갂됪뽋귩뛛륷
    # ?귽??궕 0 궸궶궯궫뤾뜃
    if $game_system.timer_working and $game_system.timer == 0
      # 긫긣깑뭷뭚
      $game_temp.battle_abort = true
    # 긂귻깛긤긂귩뛛륷
    # 긚긵깋귽긣긜긞긣귩뛛륷
    # 긣깋깛긙긘깈깛룉뿚뭷궻뤾뜃
    if $game_temp.transition_processing
      # 긣깋깛긙긘깈깛룉뿚뭷긲깋긐귩긏깏귺
      $game_temp.transition_processing = false
      # 긣깋깛긙긘깈깛렳뛱
      if $game_temp.transition_name == ""
        Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # 긽긞긜?긙긂귻깛긤긂?렑뭷궻뤾뜃
    if $game_temp.message_window_showing
    # 긒??긆?긫?궻뤾뜃
    if $game_temp.gameover
      # 긒??긆?긫?됪뽋궸먛귟뫶궑
      $scene = Scene_Gameover.new
    # ?귽긣깑됪뽋궸뽣궥뤾뜃
    if $game_temp.to_title
      # ?귽긣깑됪뽋궸먛귟뫶궑
      $scene = Scene_Title.new
    # 긫긣깑뭷뭚궻뤾뜃
    if $game_temp.battle_abort
      # 긫긣깑둎럑멟궻 BGM 궸뽣궥
      # 긫긣깑뢎뿹
    # 긶깑긵긂귻깛긤긂?렑뭷궻뤾뜃
    if @help_wait > 0
      @help_wait -= 1
      if @help_wait == 0
        # 긶깑긵긂귻깛긤긂귩덨궥
        @help_window.visible = false
    # 긲긃?긛궸귝궯궲빁딌
    case @phase
    when 0  # AT긒?긙뛛륷긲긃?긛
      if anime_wait_return
    when 1  # 긵깒긫긣깑긲긃?긛
    when 2  # 긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긲긃?긛
    when 5  # 귺긲??긫긣깑긲긃?긛
    if $scene != self
    if @phase == 0
      if @command.size != 0  # 귺긏??긓?깛긤긲긃?긛
        if @command_a == false
      # 긂긃귽긣뭷궻뤾뜃
      if @wait_count > 0
        # 긂긃귽긣긇긂깛긣귩뙵귞궥
        @wait_count -= 1

# 걾 Scene_Battle (빁뒆믦? 2)
# ?긫긣깑됪뽋궻룉뿚귩뛱궎긏깋긚궳궥갃

  # 걶 긲깒??뛛륷 (AT긒?긙뛛륷긲긃?긛)
  def update_phase0
    if $game_temp.battle_turn == 0
      $game_temp.battle_turn = 1
    # B ??깛궕돓궠귢궫뤾뜃
    if @command_a == false and @party == false
      if Input.trigger?(Input::B)
        # 긌긿깛긜깑 SE 귩뎶몋
        @party = true
    if @party == true and
        ((@action > 0 and @action_battlers.empty?) or (@action == 0 and
        (@action_battlers.empty? or @action_battlers[0].phase == 1)))
      # 긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긲긃?긛귉
    # AT긒?긙몵돿룉뿚
    cnt = 0
    for battler in $game_party.actors + $game_troop.enemies
      if battler.rtp == 0
        if battler.at >= @max
          if battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
            if battler.inputable?
              unless @action_battlers.include?(battler) or
                  @command.include?(battler) or @escape == true
                if battler.current_action.forcing
              unless @action_battlers.include?(battler) or
                      battler == @command[0]
                if @command.include?(battler)
                  if battler.movable?
            unless @action_battlers.include?(battler)
              if battler.current_action.forcing
                if @enemy_speed != 0
                  if rand(@enemy_speed) == 0
                    number = cnt - $game_party.actors.size
                  number = cnt - $game_party.actors.size
          battler.at += battler.agi
          if battler.guarding?
            battler.at += battler.agi
          if battler.movable?
            battler.atp = 100 * battler.at / @max
        if battler.rt >= battler.rtp
          speller = synthe?(battler)
          if speller != nil
            battler = speller[0]
          unless @action_battlers.include?(battler)
            if battler.is_a?(Game_Actor)
            battler.rt = battler.rtp
          battler.rt += battler.agi
          speller = synthe?(battler)
          if speller != nil
            for spell in speller
              if spell != battler
                spell.rt += battler.agi
      cnt += 1
    # AT긒?긙귩깏긲깒긞긘깄
    # 벀몪룉뿚
    if @escape == true and
        ((@action > 0 and @action_battlers.empty?) or (@action == 0 and
        (@action_battlers.empty? or @action_battlers[0].phase == 1)))
      temp = false
      for battler in $game_party.actors
        if battler.inputable?
          temp = true
      if temp == true
        for battler in $game_party.actors
          if battler.at < @max and battler.inputable?
            temp = false
        if temp == true
          @escape = false
          for battler in $game_party.actors
            battler.at %= @max
          $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
  # 걶 긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긲긃?긛둎럑
  def start_phase2
    # 긲긃?긛 2 궸댷뛱
    @phase = 2
    @party = false
    # 긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩뾎뚼돸
    @party_command_window.active = true
    @party_command_window.visible = true
    # 귺긏??귩뷄멗묖륉뫴궸먠믦
    @actor_index = -1
    # 귺긏??긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩뼰뚼돸
    @actor_command_window.active = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = false
    if @command.size != 0
      # 귺긏??궻뼻뽅긄긲긃긏긣 OFF
      if @active_actor != nil
        @active_actor.blink = false
    # 긇긽깋긜긞긣
    @camera == "party"
    @spriteset.screen_target(0, 0, 1)
    # 긽귽깛긲긃?긛긲깋긐귩긏깏귺
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
  # 걶 긲깒??뛛륷 (긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긲긃?긛)
  def update_phase2
    # C ??깛궕돓궠귢궫뤾뜃
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # 긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂궻긇??깑댧뭫궳빁딌
      case @party_command_window.index
      when 0  # 먰궎
        # 긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩뼰뚼돸
        @party_command_window.active = false
        @party_command_window.visible = false
        # 뙂믦 SE 귩뎶몋
        @escape = false
        @phase = 0
        if $game_temp.battle_turn == 0
          $game_temp.battle_turn = 1
        if @command_a == true
          # 귺긏??긓?깛긤긲긃?긛둎럑
          $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true
      when 1  # 벀궛귡
        # 벀몪됀?궳궼궶궋뤾뜃
        if $game_temp.battle_can_escape == false
          # 긳긗? SE 귩뎶몋
        # 뙂믦 SE 귩뎶몋
        @phase = 0
        # 긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩뼰뚼돸
        @party_command_window.active = false
        @party_command_window.visible = false
        $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true
        if $game_temp.battle_turn == 0
          $game_temp.battle_turn = 1
          for battler in $game_party.actors
            battler.at -= @max / 2
        # 뙂믦 SE 귩뎶몋
        @escape = true
        for battler in $game_party.actors
          @command_a = false
  # 걶 긲깒??뛛륷 (긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긲긃?긛 : 벀궛귡)
  def update_phase2_escape
    # 긄긨??궻멹몓궠빟뗉뭠귩똶럁
    enemies_agi = 0
    enemies_number = 0
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      if enemy.exist?
        enemies_agi += enemy.agi
        enemies_number += 1
    if enemies_number > 0
      enemies_agi /= enemies_number
    # 귺긏??궻멹몓궠빟뗉뭠귩똶럁
    actors_agi = 0
    actors_number = 0
    for actor in $game_party.actors
      if actor.exist?
        actors_agi += actor.agi
        actors_number += 1
    if actors_number > 0
      actors_agi /= actors_number
    # 벀몪맟뚻뵽믦
    success = rand(100) < 50 * actors_agi / enemies_agi
    # 벀몪맟뚻궻뤾뜃
    if success
      # 벀몪 SE 귩뎶몋
      # 긫긣깑둎럑멟궻 BGM 궸뽣궥
      # 긫긣깑뢎뿹
    # 벀몪렪봲궻뤾뜃
      @help_window.set_text("벀몪렪봲", 1)
      @help_wait = @help_time
      # 긬?긡귻멣덒궻귺긏긘깈깛귩긏깏귺
      # 긽귽깛긲긃?긛둎럑
  # 걶 귺긲??긫긣깑긲긃?긛둎럑
  def start_phase5
    # 긲긃?긛 5 궸댷뛱
    @phase = 5
    # 긫긣깑뢎뿹 ME 귩뎶몋
    # 긫긣깑둎럑멟궻 BGM 궸뽣궥
    # EXP갂긕?깑긤갂긣깒긙긿?귩룊딖돸
    exp = 0
    gold = 0
    treasures = []
    if @active_actor != nil
      @active_actor.blink = false
    # 긽귽깛긲긃?긛긲깋긐귩긜긞긣
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true
    # 긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩뼰뚼돸
    @party_command_window.active = false
    @party_command_window.visible = false
    # 귺긏??긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩뼰뚼돸
    @actor_command_window.active = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = false
    if @skill_window != nil
      # 긚긌깑긂귻깛긤긂귩됶뺳
      @skill_window = nil
    if @item_window != nil
      # 귺귽긡?긂귻깛긤긂귩됶뺳
      @item_window = nil
    # 긶깑긵긂귻깛긤긂귩덨궥
    @help_window.visible = false
    # 깑?긵
    for enemy in $game_troop.enemies
      # 긄긨??궕덨귢륉뫴궳궶궋뤾뜃
      unless enemy.hidden
        # 둳벦 EXP갂긕?깑긤귩믁돿
        exp += enemy.exp
        gold += enemy.gold
        # 긣깒긙긿?뢯뙸뵽믦
        if rand(100) < enemy.treasure_prob
          if enemy.item_id > 0
          if enemy.weapon_id > 0
          if enemy.armor_id > 0
    # 긣깒긙긿?궻릶귩 6 뙿귏궳궸뙽믦
    treasures = treasures[0..5]
    # EXP 둳벦
    for i in 0...$game_party.actors.size
      actor = $game_party.actors[i]
      if actor.cant_get_exp? == false
        last_level = actor.level
        actor.exp += exp
        if actor.level > last_level
          actor.damage[[actor, -1]] = "Level up!"
          actor.up_level = actor.level - last_level
    # 긕?깑긤둳벦
    # 긣깒긙긿?둳벦
    for item in treasures
      case item
      when RPG::Item
        $game_party.gain_item(item.id, 1)
      when RPG::Weapon
        $game_party.gain_weapon(item.id, 1)
      when RPG::Armor
        $game_party.gain_armor(item.id, 1)
    # 긫긣깑깏긗깑긣긂귻깛긤긂귩띿맟
    @result_window = Window_BattleResult.new(exp, gold, treasures)
    # 긂긃귽긣긇긂깛긣귩먠믦
    @phase5_wait_count = 100
  # 걶 긲깒??뛛륷 (귺긲??긫긣깑긲긃?긛)
  def update_phase5
    # 긂긃귽긣긇긂깛긣궕 0 귝귟묈궖궋뤾뜃
    if @phase5_wait_count > 0
      # 긂긃귽긣긇긂깛긣귩뙵귞궥
      @phase5_wait_count -= 1
      # 긂긃귽긣긇긂깛긣궕 0 궸궶궯궫뤾뜃
      if @phase5_wait_count == 0
        # 깏긗깑긣긂귻깛긤긂귩?렑
        @result_window.visible = true
        # 긽귽깛긲긃?긛긲깋긐귩긏깏귺
        $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
        # 긚긡??긚긂귻깛긤긂귩깏긲깒긞긘깄
        for actor in $game_party.actors
          if actor.damage.include?([actor, 0])
            @phase5_wait_count = 20
            actor.damage_pop[[actor, 0]] = true
          if actor.damage.include?([actor, -1])
            @phase5_wait_count = 20
            actor.damage_pop[[actor, -1]] = true
            for level in actor.level - actor.up_level + 1..actor.level
              for skill in $data_classes[actor.class_id].learnings
                if level == skill.level and not actor.skill_learn?(skill.id)
                  actor.damage[[actor, 0]] = "New Skill!"
    # C ??깛궕돓궠귢궫뤾뜃
    if Input.trigger?(Input::C)
      # 긫긣깑뢎뿹

# 걾 Scene_Battle (빁뒆믦? 3)
# ?긫긣깑됪뽋궻룉뿚귩뛱궎긏깋긚궳궥갃

  # 걶 귺긏??긓?깛긤긲긃?긛둎럑
  def start_phase3
    if victory?
    # 긽귽깛긲긃?긛긲깋긐귩긏깏귺
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = false
    @command_a = true
    @active_actor = @command[0]
    cnt = 0
    for actor in $game_party.actors
      if actor == @active_actor
        @actor_index = cnt
      cnt += 1
    @active_actor.blink = true
    unless @active_actor.inputable?
    # 긇긽깋궻먠믦
    @camera = "command"
    plus = ($game_party.actors.size - 1) / 2.0 - @actor_index
    y = [(plus.abs - 1.5) * 10 , 0].min
    @spriteset.screen_target(plus * 50, y, 1.0 + y * 0.002)
  # 걶 귺긏??궻긓?깛긤볺쀍뢎뿹
  def phase3_next_actor
    @command_a = false
    # 긽귽깛긲긃?긛긲깋긐귩긜긞긣
    $game_temp.battle_main_phase = true
    # 귺긏??긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩뼰뚼돸
    @actor_command_window.active = false
    @actor_command_window.visible = false
    # 귺긏??궻뼻뽅긄긲긃긏긣 OFF
    if @active_actor != nil
      @active_actor.blink = false
    # 긇긽깋귩뙰궸뽣궥
    if @camera == "command"
      @spriteset.screen_target(0, 0, 1)
  # 걶 귺긏??긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂궻긜긞긣귺긞긵
  def phase3_setup_command_window
    # 긬?긡귻긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩뼰뚼돸
    @party_command_window.active = false
    @party_command_window.visible = false
    # 귺긏??긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂귩뾎뚼돸
    @actor_command_window.active = true
    @actor_command_window.visible = true
    # 귺긏??긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂궻댧뭫귩먠믦
    @actor_command_window.x = @actor_index * 160 +
                              (4 - $game_party.actors.size) * 80
    # 귽깛긢긞긏긚귩 0 궸먠믦
    @actor_command_window.index = 0
  # 걶 긄긨??귺긏긘깈깛띿맟
  def enemy_action(number)
    enemy = $game_troop.enemies[number]
    unless enemy.current_action.forcing
  # 걶 긲깒??뛛륷 (귺긏??긓?깛긤긲긃?긛)
  def update_phase3
    if victory? and @command_a
    # 긄긨??귺깓?궕뾎뚼궻뤾뜃
    if @enemy_arrow != nil
    # 귺긏??귺깓?궕뾎뚼궻뤾뜃
    elsif @actor_arrow != nil
    # 긚긌깑긂귻깛긤긂궕뾎뚼궻뤾뜃
    elsif @skill_window != nil
    # 귺귽긡?긂귻깛긤긂궕뾎뚼궻뤾뜃
    elsif @item_window != nil
    # 귺긏??긓?깛긤긂귻깛긤긂궕뾎뚼궻뤾뜃
    elsif @actor_command_window.active
  # 걶 긲깒??뛛륷 (귺긏??긓?깛긤긲긃?긛 : 딈?긓?깛긤)
  def update_phase3_basic_command
    unless @active_actor.inputable?
    # B ??깛궕돓궠귢궫뤾뜃
    if Input.trigger?(Input::B) and @party == false
      # 긌긿깛긜깑 SE 귩뎶몋
      @party = true
    if @party == true and


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