NOWsaying~!!!Yeah~, beat the heart!SHOT!

by 사람님 posted Sep 23, 2007


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Yeah, beat your heart from that deep inside,

and so as beat me, so as beat me, Yeah ap~!




Time waits you, do everything what you wanna do!~

Yeah ap-!


Fight out the world, stand against whole world.

Beat up everyone who stand front of U !


What do you do, when u blocked doing what you want?

U just forgive it? that's too too too TWO weaK!?!!


sTand against whole world!

stAnd against whole world!


beat up beat up

give them defeat!

beat them up beat them up!


Shake the hEarT! anD beat UP! sO as sO as sO as UUUUUUU!!


영어로 쏼라쏼라 ㄱ-.....


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