RPG Maker
2006.09.08 04:59

게이지바 스크립트

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# HP,SP긒?긙?렑긚긏깏긵긣Ver 꺛
# 봹븓뙰갋긖??긣URL
# http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/cogwheel/

# 걾 Game_Actor
# ?귺긏??귩댌궎긏깋긚궳궥갃궞궻긏깋긚궼 Game_Actors 긏깋긚 ($game_actors)
# 궻볙븫궳럊뾭궠귢갂Game_Party 긏깋긚 ($game_party) 궔귞귖랷뤖궠귢귏궥갃

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  def now_exp
    return @exp - @exp_list[@level]
  def next_exp
    return @exp_list[@level+1] > 0 ? @exp_list[@level+1] - @exp_list[@level] : 0

# 걾 Window_Base
# ?긒??뭷궻궥귊궲궻긂귻깛긤긂궻긚?긬?긏깋긚궳궥갃

class Window_Base < Window
  # 걶 HP 긒?긙궻?됪
  # 긆깏긙긥깑궻HP?됪귩 draw_actor_hp_original 궴뼹멟빾뛛
  alias :draw_actor_hp_original :draw_actor_hp
  def draw_actor_hp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
    # 빾릶rate궸 뙸띪궻HP/MHP귩묆볺
    if actor.maxhp != 0
      rate = actor.hp.to_f / actor.maxhp
      rate = 0
    # plus_x:X띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫 rate_x:X띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫(%) plus_y:Y띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫
    # plus_width:븴궻뺚맫 rate_width:븴궻뺚맫(%) height:뢢븴
    # align1:?됪?귽긵1 0:뜺땗귕 1:뭷돍뫓궑 2:덭땗귕
    # align2:?됪?귽긵2 0:뤵땗귕 1:뭷돍뫓궑 2:돷땗귕
    # align3:긒?긙?귽긵 0:뜺땗귕 1:덭땗귕
    plus_x = 0
    rate_x = 0
    plus_y = 25
    plus_width = 0
    rate_width = 100
    height = 10 # 게이지의 두께

    align1 = 1
    align2 = 2
    align3 = 0
    # 긐깋긢?긘깈깛먠믦 grade1:뗴긒?긙 grade2:렳긒?긙
    # (0:돘궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛 1:뢢궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛 2:롈귕궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛(똽뢣)걂
    grade1 = 1
    grade2 = 0
    # 륡먠믦갃color1:둖쁤갅color2:뭷쁤
    # color3:뗴긒?긙??긏긇깋?갅color4:뗴긒?긙깋귽긣긇깋?
    # color5:렳긒?긙??긏긇깋?갅color6:렳긒?긙깋귽긣긇깋?
    color1 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192)
    color2 = Color.new(255, 255, 192, 192)
    color3 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192)
    color4 = Color.new(64, 0, 0, 192)
    color5 = Color.new(80 - 24 * rate, 80 * rate, 14 * rate, 192)
    color6 = Color.new(240 - 72 * rate, 240 * rate, 62 * rate, 192)
    # 빾릶sp궸?됪궥귡긒?긙궻븴귩묆볺
    if actor.maxhp != 0
      hp = (width + plus_width) * actor.hp * rate_width / 100 / actor.maxhp
      hp = 0
    # 긒?긙궻?됪
    gauge_rect(x + plus_x + width * rate_x / 100, y + plus_y,
                width, plus_width + width * rate_width / 100,
                height, hp, align1, align2, align3,
                color1, color2, color3, color4, color5, color6, grade1, grade2)
    # 긆깏긙긥깑궻HP?됪룉뿚귩뚁귂뢯궢
    draw_actor_hp_original(actor, x, y, width)
  # 걶 SP 긒?긙궻?됪
  # 긆깏긙긥깑궻SP?됪귩 draw_actor_sp_original 궴뼹멟빾뛛
  alias :draw_actor_sp_original :draw_actor_sp
  def draw_actor_sp(actor, x, y, width = 144)
    # 빾릶rate궸 뙸띪궻SP/MSP귩묆볺
    if actor.maxsp != 0
      rate = actor.sp.to_f / actor.maxsp
      rate = 1
    # plus_x:X띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫 rate_x:X띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫(%) plus_y:Y띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫
    # plus_width:븴궻뺚맫 rate_width:븴궻뺚맫(%) height:뢢븴
    # align1:?됪?귽긵1 0:뜺땗귕 1:뭷돍뫓궑 2:덭땗귕
    # align2:?됪?귽긵2 0:뤵땗귕 1:뭷돍뫓궑 2:돷땗귕
    # align3:긒?긙?귽긵 0:뜺땗귕 1:덭땗귕
    plus_x = 0
    rate_x = 0
    plus_y = 25
    plus_width = 0
    rate_width = 100
    height = 10 # 게이지의 두께

    align1 = 1
    align2 = 2
    align3 = 0
    # 긐깋긢?긘깈깛먠믦 grade1:뗴긒?긙 grade2:렳긒?긙
    # (0:돘궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛 1:뢢궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛 2:롈귕궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛(똽뢣)걂
    grade1 = 1
    grade2 = 0
    # 륡먠믦갃color1:둖쁤갅color2:뭷쁤
    # color3:뗴긒?긙??긏긇깋?갅color4:뗴긒?긙깋귽긣긇깋?
    # color5:렳긒?긙??긏긇깋?갅color6:렳긒?긙깋귽긣긇깋?
    color1 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192)
    color2 = Color.new(255, 255, 192, 192)
    color3 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192)
    color4 = Color.new(0, 64, 0, 192)
    color5 = Color.new(14 * rate, 80 - 24 * rate, 80 * rate, 192)
    color6 = Color.new(62 * rate, 240 - 72 * rate, 240 * rate, 192)
    # 빾릶sp궸?됪궥귡긒?긙궻븴귩묆볺
    if actor.maxsp != 0
      sp = (width + plus_width) * actor.sp * rate_width / 100 / actor.maxsp
      sp = (width + plus_width) * rate_width / 100
    # 긒?긙궻?됪
    gauge_rect(x + plus_x + width * rate_x / 100, y + plus_y,
                width, plus_width + width * rate_width / 100,
                height, sp, align1, align2, align3,
                color1, color2, color3, color4, color5, color6, grade1, grade2)
    # 긆깏긙긥깑궻SP?됪룉뿚귩뚁귂뢯궢
    draw_actor_sp_original(actor, x, y, width)
  # 걶 EXP 긒?긙궻?됪
  # 긆깏긙긥깑궻SP?됪귩 draw_actor_sp_original 궴뼹멟빾뛛
  alias :draw_actor_exp_original :draw_actor_exp
  def draw_actor_exp(actor, x, y, width = 204)
    # 빾릶rate궸 뙸띪궻SP/MSP귩묆볺
    if actor.next_exp != 0
      rate = actor.now_exp.to_f / actor.next_exp
      rate = 1
    # plus_x:X띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫 rate_x:X띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫(%) plus_y:Y띆뷭궻댧뭫뺚맫
    # plus_width:븴궻뺚맫 rate_width:븴궻뺚맫(%) height:뢢븴
    # align1:?됪?귽긵1 0:뜺땗귕 1:뭷돍뫓궑 2:덭땗귕
    # align2:?됪?귽긵2 0:뤵땗귕 1:뭷돍뫓궑 2:돷땗귕
    # align3:긒?긙?귽긵 0:뜺땗귕 1:덭땗귕
    plus_x = 0
    rate_x = 0
    plus_y = 25
    plus_width = 0
    rate_width = 100
    height = 10 # 게이지의 두께

    align1 = 1
    align2 = 2
    align3 = 0
    # 긐깋긢?긘깈깛먠믦 grade1:뗴긒?긙 grade2:렳긒?긙
    # (0:돘궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛 1:뢢궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛 2:롈귕궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛(똽뢣)걂
    grade1 = 1
    grade2 = 0
    # 륡먠믦갃color1:둖쁤갅color2:뭷쁤
    # color3:뗴긒?긙??긏긇깋?갅color4:뗴긒?긙깋귽긣긇깋?
    # color5:렳긒?긙??긏긇깋?갅color6:렳긒?긙깋귽긣긇깋?
    color1 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192)
    color2 = Color.new(255, 255, 192, 192)
    color3 = Color.new(0, 0, 0, 192)
    color4 = Color.new(64, 0, 0, 192)
    color5 = Color.new(80 * rate, 80 - 80 * rate ** 2, 80 - 80 * rate, 192)
    color6 = Color.new(240 * rate, 240 - 240 * rate ** 2, 240 - 240 * rate, 192)
    # 빾릶sp궸?됪궥귡긒?긙궻븴귩묆볺
    if actor.next_exp != 0
      exp = (width + plus_width) * actor.now_exp * rate_width /
                                                          100 / actor.next_exp
      exp = (width + plus_width) * rate_width / 100
    # 긒?긙궻?됪
    gauge_rect(x + plus_x + width * rate_x / 100, y + plus_y,
                width, plus_width + width * rate_width / 100,
                height, exp, align1, align2, align3,
                color1, color2, color3, color4, color5, color6, grade1, grade2)
    # 긆깏긙긥깑궻SP?됪룉뿚귩뚁귂뢯궢
    draw_actor_exp_original(actor, x, y)
  # 걶 긒?긙궻?됪
  def gauge_rect(x, y, rect_width, width, height, gauge, align1, align2, align3,
                color1, color2, color3, color4, color5, color6, grade1, grade2)
    case align1
    when 1
      x += (rect_width - width) / 2
    when 2
      x += rect_width - width
    case align2
    when 1
      y -= height / 2
    when 2
      y -= height
    # 쁤?됪
    self.contents.fill_rect(x, y, width, height, color1)
    self.contents.fill_rect(x + 1, y + 1, width - 2, height - 2, color2)
    if align3 == 0
      if grade1 == 2
        grade1 = 3
      if grade2 == 2
        grade2 = 3
    if (align3 == 1 and grade1 == 0) or grade1 > 0
      color = color3
      color3 = color4
      color4 = color
    if (align3 == 1 and grade2 == 0) or grade2 > 0
      color = color5
      color5 = color6
      color6 = color
    # 뗴긒?긙궻?됪 뢢궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛?렑
    self.contents.gradation_rect(x + 2, y + 2, width - 4, height - 4,
                                  color3, color4, grade1)
    if align3 == 1
      x += width - gauge
    # HP긒?긙궻?됪
    self.contents.gradation_rect(x + 2, y + 2, gauge - 4, height - 4,
                                  color5, color6, grade2)

# ?Bitmap긏깋긚궸륷궫궶??귩믁돿궢귏궥갃

class Bitmap
  # 걶 뗩?귩긐깋긢?긘깈깛?렑
  #     color1 : 긚??긣긇깋?
  #     color2 : 긄깛긤긇깋?
  #     align  :  0:돘궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛
  #               1:뢢궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛
  #               2:롈귕궸긐깋긢?긘깈깛걁똽뢣궸궰궖뭾댰걂
  def gradation_rect(x, y, width, height, color1, color2, align = 0)
    if align == 0
      for i in x...x + width
        red   = color1.red + (color2.red - color1.red) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
        green = color1.green +
                (color2.green - color1.green) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
        blue  = color1.blue +
                (color2.blue - color1.blue) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
        alpha = color1.alpha +
                (color2.alpha - color1.alpha) * (i - x) / (width - 1)
        color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
        fill_rect(i, y, 1, height, color)
    elsif align == 1
      for i in y...y + height
        red   = color1.red +
                (color2.red - color1.red) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
        green = color1.green +
                (color2.green - color1.green) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
        blue  = color1.blue +
                (color2.blue - color1.blue) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
        alpha = color1.alpha +
                (color2.alpha - color1.alpha) * (i - y) / (height - 1)
        color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
        fill_rect(x, i, width, 1, color)
    elsif align == 2
      for i in x...x + width
        for j in y...y + height
          red   = color1.red + (color2.red - color1.red) *
                  ((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
          green = color1.green + (color2.green - color1.green) *
                  ((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
          blue  = color1.blue + (color2.blue - color1.blue) *
                  ((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
          alpha = color1.alpha + (color2.alpha - color1.alpha) *
                  ((i - x) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
          color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
          set_pixel(i, j, color)
    elsif align == 3
      for i in x...x + width
        for j in y...y + height
          red   = color1.red + (color2.red - color1.red) *
                ((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
          green = color1.green + (color2.green - color1.green) *
                ((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
          blue  = color1.blue + (color2.blue - color1.blue) *
                ((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
          alpha = color1.alpha + (color2.alpha - color1.alpha) *
                ((x + width - i) / (width - 1.0) + (j - y) / (height - 1.0)) / 2
          color = Color.new(red, green, blue, alpha)
          set_pixel(i, j, color)

# 걾 Sprite긾긙깄?깑
# ?귺긦긽?긘깈깛궻듖뿚귩뛱궎긾긙깄?깑궳궥갃

module RPG
  class Sprite < ::Sprite
    def damage(value, critical)
      if value.is_a?(Numeric)
        damage_string = value.abs.to_s
        damage_string = value.to_s
      bitmap = Bitmap.new(160, 48)
      bitmap.font.name = "Arial Black"
      bitmap.font.size = 32
      bitmap.font.color.set(0, 0, 0)
      bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12-1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
      bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12-1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
      bitmap.draw_text(-1, 12+1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
      bitmap.draw_text(+1, 12+1, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
      if value.is_a?(Numeric) and value < 0
        bitmap.font.color.set(176, 255, 144)
        bitmap.font.color.set(255, 255, 255)
      bitmap.draw_text(0, 12, 160, 36, damage_string, 1)
      if critical
        bitmap.font.size = 20
        bitmap.font.color.set(0, 0, 0)
        bitmap.draw_text(-1, -1, 160, 20, "CRITICAL", 1)
        bitmap.draw_text(+1, -1, 160, 20, "CRITICAL", 1)
        bitmap.draw_text(-1, +1, 160, 20, "CRITICAL", 1)
        bitmap.draw_text(+1, +1, 160, 20, "CRITICAL", 1)
        bitmap.font.color.set(255, 255, 255)
        bitmap.draw_text(0, 0, 160, 20, "CRITICAL", 1)
      @_damage_sprite = ::Sprite.new
      @_damage_sprite.bitmap = bitmap
      @_damage_sprite.ox = 80 + self.viewport.ox
      @_damage_sprite.oy = 20 + self.viewport.oy
      @_damage_sprite.x = self.x + self.viewport.rect.x
      @_damage_sprite.y = self.y - self.oy / 2 + self.viewport.rect.y
      @_damage_sprite.z = 3000
      @_damage_duration = 40
    def animation(animation, hit)
      @_animation = animation
      return if @_animation == nil
      @_animation_hit = hit
      @_animation_duration = @_animation.frame_max
      animation_name = @_animation.animation_name
      animation_hue = @_animation.animation_hue
      bitmap = RPG::Cache.animation(animation_name, animation_hue)
      if @@_reference_count.include?(bitmap)
        @@_reference_count[bitmap] += 1
        @@_reference_count[bitmap] = 1
      @_animation_sprites = []
      if @_animation.position != 3 or not @@_animations.include?(animation)
        for i in 0..15
          sprite = ::Sprite.new
          sprite.bitmap = bitmap
          sprite.visible = false
        unless @@_animations.include?(animation)
    def loop_animation(animation)
      return if animation == @_loop_animation
      @_loop_animation = animation
      return if @_loop_animation == nil
      @_loop_animation_index = 0
      animation_name = @_loop_animation.animation_name
      animation_hue = @_loop_animation.animation_hue
      bitmap = RPG::Cache.animation(animation_name, animation_hue)
      if @@_reference_count.include?(bitmap)
        @@_reference_count[bitmap] += 1
        @@_reference_count[bitmap] = 1
      @_loop_animation_sprites = []
      for i in 0..15
        sprite = ::Sprite.new
        sprite.bitmap = bitmap
        sprite.visible = false
    def animation_set_sprites(sprites, cell_data, position)
      for i in 0..15
        sprite = sprites[i]
        pattern = cell_data[i, 0]
        if sprite == nil or pattern == nil or pattern == -1
          sprite.visible = false if sprite != nil
        sprite.visible = true
        sprite.src_rect.set(pattern % 5 * 192, pattern / 5 * 192, 192, 192)
        if position == 3
          if self.viewport != nil
            sprite.x = self.viewport.rect.width / 2
            sprite.y = self.viewport.rect.height - 160
            sprite.x = 320
            sprite.y = 240
          sprite.x = self.x + self.viewport.rect.x -
                      self.ox + self.src_rect.width / 2
          sprite.y = self.y + self.viewport.rect.y -
                      self.oy + self.src_rect.height / 2
          sprite.y -= self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 0
          sprite.y += self.src_rect.height / 4 if position == 2
        sprite.x += cell_data[i, 1]
        sprite.y += cell_data[i, 2]
        sprite.z = 2000
        sprite.ox = 96
        sprite.oy = 96
        sprite.zoom_x = cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0
        sprite.zoom_y = cell_data[i, 3] / 100.0
        sprite.angle = cell_data[i, 4]
        sprite.mirror = (cell_data[i, 5] == 1)
        sprite.opacity = cell_data[i, 6] * self.opacity / 255.0
        sprite.blend_type = cell_data[i, 7]



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# ■ Game_Actor
#  엑터를 취급하는 클래스입니다. 이 클래스는 Game_Actors 클래스 ($game_actors)
# 의 내부에서 사용되어 Game_Party 클래스 ($game_party)로부터도 참조됩니다.

class Game_Actor < Game_Battler
  attr_reader   :exp_list
# ■ Window_Map_Name
#  マップ名を表示するウィンドウです。
class Window_MapGauge < Window_Base
  attr_accessor :actor
  # ● オブジェクト初期
  def initialize
    super(0, 0, 204, 224)
    self.contents = Bitmap.new(width - 32, height - 32)
  def set_actor(actor)
    # hp, sp, exp 중 하나라도 변화가 있을 때 업데이트.
    if @actor == nil
      @actor = actor.clone
      draw_actor_class(@actor, 32, 32) #엑터의 클래스를 나타내는 부분, 좌표 x32, y32
      draw_actor_level(@actor, 96, 32) #엑터의 레벨을 나타내는 부분, 좌표 x96, y32
      draw_actor_name(@actor, 4, 0)
      draw_actor_hp(@actor, 0, 64, 172)
      draw_actor_sp(@actor, 0, 96, 172)
      draw_actor_exp(@actor, 0, 128)    
    elsif  actor.hp != @actor.hp or actor.sp != @actor.sp or actor.exp != @actor.exp
      #p "actor.hp", actor.hp,    "@actor.hp", @actor.hp
      @actor = actor.clone
      draw_actor_class(@actor, 32, 32)
      draw_actor_level(@actor, 96, 32)
      draw_actor_name(@actor, 4, 0)
      draw_actor_hp(@actor, 0, 64, 172)
      draw_actor_sp(@actor, 0, 96, 172)
      draw_actor_exp(@actor, 0, 128)    
    end #파라메터가 모두 같을 경우 업데이트 하지 않음으로서 속도를 빠르게 해준다.

# ■ Scene_Map
class Scene_Map
  # ● メイン?理
alias thdo_main main
  alias thdo_initialize initialize
  def initialize
    @actor_index = 0
  def main
    # 地名ウィンドウを作成
    @mapgaugewindow = Window_MapGauge.new
    @mapgaugewindow.opacity = 0
    # ?す
    # 地名ウィンドウを解放
  # ● 프레임 갱신
  def update
    # 루프
    loop do
      # 맵, interpreter, 플레이어의 순서에 갱신
      # (이 갱신 순서는, 이벤트를 실행하는 조건이 채워지고 있을 때
      #  플레이어에 일순간 이동할 기회를 주지 않는등의 이유로써 중요)
      # 시스템 (타이머), 화면을 갱신
      # 플레이어의 장소 이동중이 아니면 루프를 중단
      unless $game_temp.player_transferring
      # 장소 이동을 실행
      # 트란지션 처리중의 경우, 루프를 중단
      if $game_temp.transition_processing
    # 스프라이트 세트를 갱신
    # 메세지 윈도우를 갱신
    # 게임 오버의 경우
    if $game_temp.gameover
      # 게임 오버 화면으로 전환하고
      $scene = Scene_Gameover.new
    # 타이틀 화면에 되돌리는 경우
    if $game_temp.to_title
      # 타이틀 화면으로 전환하고
      $scene = Scene_Title.new
    # 트란지션 처리중의 경우
    if $game_temp.transition_processing
      # 트란지션 처리중 플래그를 클리어
      $game_temp.transition_processing = false
      # 트란지션 실행
      if $game_temp.transition_name == ""
        Graphics.transition(40, "Graphics/Transitions/" +
    # 메세지 윈도우 표시중의 경우
    if $game_temp.message_window_showing
    # 엔카운트카운트가 0 으로, 엔카운트리스트가 하늘이 아닌 경우
    if $game_player.encounter_count == 0 and $game_map.encounter_list != []
      # 이벤트 실행중이나 엔카운트 금지중이 아니면
      unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running?  or
        # 배틀 호출 플래그를 세트
        $game_temp.battle_calling = true
        $game_temp.battle_can_escape = true
        $game_temp.battle_can_lose = false
        $game_temp.battle_proc = nil
        # 무리를 결정
        n = rand($game_map.encounter_list.size)
        $game_temp.battle_troop_id = $game_map.encounter_list[n]
    #다음 엑터에게
    if Input.trigger? (Input::R)
            unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running?  or
      @actor_index += 1
      @actor_index %= $game_party.actors.size
    #전의 엑터에게
    if Input.trigger? (Input::L)
            unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running?  or
      @actor_index += $game_party.actors.size - 1
      @actor_index %= $game_party.actors.size
#THDO스크립트 종료
    # B 버튼이 밀렸을 경우
    if Input.trigger? (Input::B)
      # 이벤트 실행중이나 메뉴 금지중이 아니면
      unless $game_system.map_interpreter.running?  or
        # 메뉴 호출 플래그와 SE 연주 플래그를 세트
        $game_temp.menu_calling = true
        $game_temp.menu_beep = true
    # 디버그 모드가 ON 또한 F9 키가 밀리고 있는 경우
    if $DEBUG and Input.press? (Input::F9)
      # 디버그 호출 플래그를 세트
      $game_temp.debug_calling = true
    # 플레이어의 이동중이 아닌 경우
    unless $game_player.moving?
      # 각종 화면의 호출을 실행
      if $game_temp.battle_calling
      elsif $game_temp.shop_calling
      elsif $game_temp.name_calling
      elsif $game_temp.menu_calling
      elsif $game_temp.save_calling
      elsif $game_temp.debug_calling


스크립트 2개있습니다....참고하시고요


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